In the Garden

In the Garden

Ron Paul

Ron Paul
I endorse Ron Paul for President even as a 3rd party candidate

Monday, February 27, 2012

A New Way to Cook

We have been cooking using our camping stove that runs off of gasoline or coleman fuel. We've been wanting to upgrade for awhile now and add another form of cooking that would create multiple options for us.

We searched on craigslist and found us traditional barbecue grill that was $40. It had some rough spots on it, but was at least a $300 grill when it was new. It has 3 burners and a side burner and is stainless steel.

We brought it home and set it up excited to have another way to cook. Sol was equally excited and happily cooked the hamburger for us (under our careful supervision of course) on the sideburner. We made soup and kale chips.

It is a great improvement over our previous situation. It just made it even better that Sol loved cooking on it and it made a great memory for our family.


  1. I found a stove out of a camper on Craigs List. The guy had taken the stove (complete with oven) out of the camper and put it on a grill frame. I roll it outside in the summer and can on it and use it on the back porch rest of year. Has a LP bottle just like a grill only I have 4 burners and a oven!

  2. wow that is awesome. That is a good idea I have a stove that goes inside our camper. I may try that

    Thanks for the great idea peggy!
    The Bantam Voice
