Our property has one major set back that has "bugged" Sandi more than anything else. That problem is the deer flies. They buzz around your head and eventually bite you which is painful.
Sandi researched and stumbled across a solution that no one else had suggested. Bug zappers don't work with them, bug spray doesn't work, but this idea was so outrageous that it just had to work..... and it did.
You take a cup or any object really and put blue tape (or a cub that is blue) tape it to your head (I know sound silly) and cover it with tangle foot.
Tangle foot is a sticky almost like tree sap that you put on trees to prevent bugs climbing up and infesting your trees or fruit. They get stuck in this goo.
Well you coat your cup in this and walk around and work with it on your head. As the deer flies buzz around your head they are attracted to the blue (looks like water) and they like going for you head and when they hit the cup they don't leave. Their stuck and they die right there on that cup.
We caught 50 deer flies walking to the end of our property and back the first time, then today working 3 hours out there with it on my head I caught six more.
Deer fly trap ....... $5.00 and my pride
Cost of Freedom....... priceless
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